People watch people. Viewers respond to personalities. You may be an on-line coach working face to face with clients via Skype or Zoom. You might be producing vlogs or creating video content for viewers to view on your webpage, social media sights like Instagram of Facebook Live. Or maybe you have a YouTube channel and you’re looking to gain subscribers. It makes no difference what “platform” you deliver your content to – what matters is who is delivering that content. My approach to coaching you is very similar to how I coach TV news anchors and hosts.  You’ve got to reveal yourself, faults and all, to your viewers via an intimate relationship with your camera.

 I will push you forward one step at a time. As I push, I refine and I inspire and I develop. Every on-camera personality is different. I exploit those differences to produce you into your own, unique, authentic personality. I won’t force you to be someone you’re not! I’ve heard thousands of times, “Hey, it’s my face out there!” And yes it is! I get it. I’m not going to turn you into a clown or tamper with your credibility. What I am going to do is challenge you to take some risks – to slowly move beyond your comfort zone.


  • I push you out of you comfort zones ever so slowly.
  • I remind you over and over, “I have your back.” If something doesn’t work, you’re shooting another episode tomorrow!
  • I give you permission to experiment without fear of failure. Some things work. Some things don’t. The more things don’t go as planned early on, the less afraid and more skilled you become at handling “in the moment” situations.
  • I allow you to laugh without fear you’ll lose your credibility. Laughter is emotion. Viewers are drawn to on-camera emotion. They want to be “in on the joke”.

In addition, I’ll work with you on these areas you must master as you evolve into a personality:

  1. Flirting with the Camera
  2. Being “In the Moment”
  3. Taking Risks and Seeing Rewards
  4. Mixing It Up With Real People
  5. Telling Compelling Stories
  6. Telling Compelling Personal Stories
  7. Going There
  8. Allowing Moments to Play Out
  9. Mastering Multi-Talent Interviews
  10. Give & Take



We start with a 20-minute (free) introductory phone call. Before we talk, I will have watched a link you send me of your most recent videos (clips you’ve recently shot). That will give me an idea of what we need to work on – along with what it is you want to achieve from our sessions. We’ll decide if we can work together as a team and then decide if we move forward.

If all systems are go:


We will meet via phone, Zoom or Skype one hour a week for five weeks. In those one-hour sessions, I will review your most current work (which I will have watched prior to the session). I will listen to what it is you want to achieve and I will guide you forward. I will also give you homework and to-do lists – small steps to incorporate into your videos this week – and then we’ll review the results in the next session.


As a top-level performance coach, my fees aren’t cheap – there are only so many hours in a day. I am a solid investment in “you” and your future as an on-camera talent who brings in eyeballs. If I don’t think I can help you, I’ll tell you outright before any money changes hands. I’m also a tax write-off – check with your CPA.  Your inquiries and any work I do with you are confidential. I will not use your name or on-air clips in any fashion on my website without your permission. I welcome your NDA.

Send me a note. Tell me your vision. Tell me what my expertise is worth to you. Then leave the rest to me!